1048 influx

今天我们要学的词是influx。 Influx, 意思是流入,涌入。 "Local animal shelters saw an influx of stray dogs at the peak of foreclosures," 破产房高峰期间,当地宠物收容所流浪狗的数量大幅度增加。目前,美国职棒大联盟每场比赛的平均得分处于18年来的最低谷。 "One of the reasons is the influx of talented young pitchers who throw 98-mph fast balls," 其中原因之一是大联盟涌现了大量年轻的优秀投球手,可以投出时速98英里的快球。 "Some residents complain that the influx of immigrant workers took the jobs from them," 一些居民抱怨说,大量移民工的涌入抢走了他们的工作。好的,今天我们学习的词是influx...
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