2379 disapprove

今天我们要学的词是 disapprove. Disapprove 动词,意思是不赞成。最新民调显示,Some 55% of Americans disapprove of the way Hillary Clinton has handled questions about her use of private email. 希拉里.克林顿对其私人电子邮件所引起争议的处理方式,让大约55%的美国人不赞同。另一项民调显示,58% of voters disapprove of President Barack Obama's performance on the Iranian issue and 54% disapprove of Obama's handling of relations with Israel. 58%的选民对奥巴马总统在伊朗问题上的表现不满意,54%的选民不赞成奥巴马对以色列双边关系的处理方式。好的,今天我们学习的词是 disapprove, disapprove, disapprove...

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