2999 overdose

今天我们要学的词是 overdose. Overdose 名词,有吸食药物或毒品过量的意思。费城是美国大都市里吸食毒品过量死亡人数最多的城市。More than 1,200 people died from opioid overdoses in 2017 in Philadelphia. 费城2017年有1200多人死于吸食毒品过量。Philadelphia wants to be the first city to allow safe drug injection sites as a way to prevent overdose deaths in drug addicts. 费城希望成为第一个开设安全毒品注射站点的城市,防止瘾君子吸食过量致死。好的,我们今天学习的词是overdose, overdose, overdose ...

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