3200 wary

今天我们要学的词是 wary.

Wary 是小心谨慎,警惕的意思。Celebrated singer and actor Pat Boone noted in a recent interview that conservative stars in Hollywood are wary of publicly discussing their personal politics for fear of public backlash. 美国著名歌手兼演员帕特·布恩在最近的一次采访中指出,好莱坞的保守派明星们对公开讨论个人的政治倾向很小心,因为他们担心引起公众强烈反弹。

India has grown wary of China's economic influence over Sri Lanka and was troubled by a 2014 port visit from a Chinese submarine and warship. 印度对中国对斯里兰卡的经济影响十分警惕,并对2014年中国潜艇和军舰访问当地港口感到不安。

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