3461 embark

今天我们要学的词是 embark.

embark 的意思起航,出发,开始。 The Federal Reserve usually embarks on an interest rate cut cycle in preparation for macroeconomic headwinds developing in the economy. 美联储通常为了准备应付经济发展中遇到的宏观经济阻力而启动降息周期。

While the Chinese economy has been under pressure amid a prolonged trade dispute with the US, so far its central bank hasn't embarked on an aggressive stimulus program as some market watchers had hoped. 尽管中国经济在美中持久的贸易争端中一直承受着压力,但到目前为止,中国央行并未像一些市场观察家所希望的那样开始实施激进的经济刺激计划。

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