3501 ravage

今天我们要学的词是 ravage.

学个词 - ravage
学个词 - ravage

ravage 的意思是破坏,摧残。 Australia's bushfires have ravaged more than 63-thousand square kilometers of land there, and current estimates put the animal death toll at an astounding 1.25 billion and climbing. 澳大利亚的丛林大火已经烧毁了63000多平方公里的土地,目前估计导致动物死亡数量达到惊人的12.5亿,这个数字还在上升。

Deadly storms and rare January tornadoes have ravaged areas in the southern U.S., leaving at least 11 people dead and tens of thousands without power. 致命的风暴和一月份罕见的龙卷风席卷了美国南部地区,造成至少11人死亡,成千上万的用户断电。

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