3516 apprise

今天我们要学的词是 apprise.

学个词 - apprise
学个词 - apprise

apprise 的意思是通知,告知。The White House has announced the formation of the President's Coronavirus Task Force to lead the U.S. Government response to the novel coronavirus and to keep President Trump apprised of developments. 白宫宣布成立冠状病毒总统特别工作组,主导美国政府对新型冠状病毒的应对,并向特朗普总统通报事态发展。

The UN Security Council held a closed-door briefing where senior White House adviser Jared Kushner apprised the members of the world body on President Trump's new Middle East peace plan. 联合国安理会举行闭门简报会,白宫高级顾问库什纳在会上向安理会成员国通报了特朗普总统的新的中东和平计划。

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