3520 acquittal

今天我们要学的词是 acquittal.

学个词 - acquittal
学个词 - acquittal

acquittal 的意思是宣告无罪。 President Trump is poised to win his long-expected acquittal in the impeachment trial after the Senate voted down a motion by Democrats calling for new witnesses to testify in the trial. 在参议院否决了民主党人要求在特朗普总统弹劾案中让新证人出庭作证的议案后,特朗普总统有望赢得期待已久的无罪审判结果。

The acquittal of three Belgian doctors charged with unlawful euthanasia in a landmark trial brought applause and cheers in the courtroom. 三名被控非法实行安乐死的比利时医生在一个具有里程碑意义的庭审中被判无罪,法庭上爆发出掌声和欢呼。

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