3598 assuage

今天我们要学的词是 assuage. Assuage is spelled A-S-S-U-A-G-E, assuage.

assuage 的意思是缓和,安抚。 

Changes to the rules about outdoor gatherings to allow bigger groups could be announced this week in the UK, as ministers are keen to assuage public concerns about being unable to see friends and family. 英国本周可能会宣布改变有关户外聚会的规定,允许更多人参加集体聚会,英内阁大臣们迫切希望缓解民众由于无法见到朋友和家人而产生的忧虑。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 assuage, assuage, assuage ...
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