558 ground zero

今天我们要学的词是rescue。 Rescue, 是搭救,挽救的意思。 "The young man rescued a drowning child," 这个年轻人救起了一个溺水的孩子。 "Four miners were rescued after being trapped underground for a week," 四名矿工被困在地下一个星期后获救。

最近,美国政府挽救金融市场的计划一直是公众瞩目的焦点。 "The government plans to rescue banks and the economy by buying $700 billion in assets tied to mortgages," 政府计划收购价值七千亿美元的跟不良贷款有关的资产,借此挽救银行和经济。好的,今天我们学习的词是rescue...

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