720 prom

今天我们要学的词是prom。 Prom在美国指高中高年级学生在学年结束前的半正式舞会。High school prom,一般指高中毕业班的舞会,又称senior prom或者干脆就是prom。

"Proms are a $4 billion-a-year industry, but that figure could drop as much as one fifth this year because of the sagging economy," 高中毕业舞会每年总消费高达40亿美元,但是由于经济不景气,今年可能会下跌五分之一。"But for many high school seniors, the prom is a once-in-a-lifetime event, so it doesn’t make sense to cut costs," 但是很多高中毕业生认为,毕业舞会一辈子就这么一回,所以不应该能省就省。好的,今天我们学习的词是prom...

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