1556 noteworthy

今天我们要学的词是 noteworthy. Noteworthy意思是值得注意的,值得引起重视的。雅虎公司宣布,年仅37岁的迈耶将担任雅虎公司首席执行官。Her selection is noteworthy both because she is one of only a few woman CEOs in the tech world, and because she is expecting her first child. 她的任命引起了外界的极大关注,不光是因为她是高科技业界为数不多的女性首席执行官之一,而且也因为她正怀着自己的第一个孩子。The results of a new study are noteworthy for the fact that online donors jumped nearly 60 percent compared to two years ago. 最新研究显示,在网上捐钱的人数增加了近60%,这一研究结果值得引起人们的重视。好的,今天我们学习的词是 noteworthy, noteworthy, noteworthy...
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