1275 disconnect

今天我们要学的词是disconnect。 Disconnect, 脱节。圣地亚哥州立大学一位心理学教授说, "She sees in today's young people a growing disconnect between self-perception and reality," 她觉得,如今年轻人的自我认识和现实状况越来越脱节。

美国一个小城镇的民意调查显示,居民对政府提供的各项公共服务非常满意,但同时却又埋怨交税太多,相关人士说, "There's a clear disconnect between people's expectation of public services and the need to pay for these services," 大家想得到各种公共服务,但又没意识到这些服务要靠纳税人出钱,民众的认识存在脱节。好的,今天我们学习的词是disconnect...
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