887 exclusive

今天我们要学的词是exclusive。 Exclusive, 独家的,独有的。"An exclusive interview," 独家专访。"The Golf Channel will have exclusive rights to the Tournament," 高尔夫球频道享有这次锦标赛的独家转播权。"The kidnappers gave the local TV station exclusive access to film the hostages," 绑匪只容许地方电视台前来拍摄人质的镜头。"AT&T is the exclusive carrier of iPhone," AT&T公司是iPhone的独家经销商。"The entertainment news web site posted exclusive photos of the movie star’s wedding," 这个娱乐新闻网站登载了这个电影明星婚礼的独家照片。好的,今天我们学习的词是exclusive...
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