奥巴马签署医保改革法案 Obama Set to Sign Landmark Health Care Reform Bill

23 March, 2010



奥巴马推动医保改革在全美引发了激烈辩论,在参众两院受到共和党人的强烈反对。 法案于星期天晚间在众议院以219对212票获得通过,共和党人全都投了反对票,另外还有34名民主党人也投了反对票。

U.S. President Barack Obama is signing into law sweeping health care reform, capping a year-long struggle with opposition Republicans to change the U.S. health care system.The elaborate signing ceremony being held at the White House Tuesday is being attended by House and Senate leaders from the president's Democratic Party.

The historic measure is intended to extend health insurance coverage to 32 million Americans currently without it.The $940 billion legislation will eventually provide subsidies for Americans to purchase mandatory private health care insurance, and bans insurance companies from such practices as denying coverage to people with pre-existing medical conditions. 

Mr. Obama's push for reform triggered emotional debate across the country and was strongly opposed by Republicans in both houses of Congress. The measure passed the House Sunday by a narrow margin (219-to-212), with every Republican and 34 Democrats voting against it.