3468 lucrative

今天我们要学的词是 lucrative.

lucrative 的意思是有利可图的。 An emerging and lucrative business has U.S. farmers buzzing to cash-in on the newly legalized cash crop, hemp, as experts say its global market may grow at least fivefold by 2025. 一个新兴且有利可图的生意让美国农民们争相利用刚取得合法性的经济作物大麻获利,专家们认为大麻的全球市场可能在2025年前至少增长五倍。

Media reports say that Chinese recruiters are authorized to dangle lucrative financial benefits to lure individuals or research teams outside of China who possess access to, or expertise in, high-priority research fields. 媒体报道说,中国猎头们能够以丰厚的经济利益来吸引在国外能够接触重点研究领域,或拥有相关专业知识的个人或研究团队。

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