727 in the line of duty

今天我们要学的词是free-fall。 Free-fall在重力作用下自由下落。"White House budget director said there are signs that the free-fall in the economy seems to have stopped," 白宫预算负责人表示,美国经济的自由下落似乎已经停了下来。

还记得去年美国总统大选共和党的副总统候选人,阿拉斯加州女州长萨拉.佩林吗?"Palin’s approval numbers have been in serious free-fall since she returned from the campaign trail last November," 佩林去年十一月大选结束后,民众支持率就一直在直线下滑。好的,今天我们学习的词是free fall...

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