640 alternative

今天我们要学的词是alternative。 Alternative, 是别种选择,或是另类的意思。在美国,针灸、理疗和草药等所谓“另类医学”已经越来越被医学界所接受。 "Alternative medicines are going mainstream," 另类医疗已经日益进入主流。为了摆脱对石油的依赖,美国人提倡开发alternative energy替代能源。但如今, "The weakening of the economy, the dropping of oil prices and the shrinking pools of credit have left many big alternative energy projects on hold," 经济衰退、油价下跌和信贷紧缩让很多替代能源的大项目都处于停顿状态。好的,今天我们学习的词是alternative...
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