1652 big-box store

今天我们要学的词是big-box store。Big-box store超级商场,一般是连锁店,比如沃尔玛。Compared to big-box stores, Amazon's prices are cheaper because of lower overhead. 跟超级商场相比,亚马逊网站商品的价格更低廉,因为他们的管理费用没那么高。Due to their convenience and cheaper prices, big-box stores are becoming a popular alternative to local stores even for grocery shopping. 由于超级商场的便利和低廉价格,跟当地的小商店相比,消费者越来越愿意选择去超级商场购物,甚至到那里去买菜。好的,今天我们学习的词是 big-box store, big-box store, big-box store....
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