796 identity theft

今天我们要学的词是identity theft。Identity theft, 身份盗用。最近,三个人因为盗取一亿三千多万个信用卡和借记卡帐户的信息受到起诉。"U.S. authorities believe it is the largest identity theft case ever prosecuted," 美国有关当局认为,这是有史以来受到起诉的最大的一起身份盗窃案。

"A California man was sentenced to 31 years in prison for identity theft crimes that totaled $2.8 million in fraudulent transactions," 加州一名男子因为盗用别人身份,进行价值两千八百万美元的欺骗性交易,被判31年徒刑。好的,今天我们学习的词是identity theft...

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