
    This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

    This week, the first elections of the Arab Spring took place in Tunisia, the country where the protest movement began.

    Tunisians, in their first free elections, voted Sunday for an assembly to write a new constitution. The Constituent Assembly also has to appoint a president and form a temporary government.

    Late in the week, there was violence in Sidi Bouzid, the city where the protests against Tunisia's longtime president began. The violence started after election officials cancelled the results of seats won by the Popular List party. The officials said there were campaign violations.
    本周晚些时候,反对本·阿里长期统治的示威运动发源地西迪布济德省发生了暴力冲突。冲突发生在选举官员取消人民请愿党(Popular List party)赢得的席位之后。选举官员表示,该党存在竞选违规。

    Official results show that an Islamist party, Ennahda, won more than forty percent of the seats in the assembly. Ennahda has begun talks with other parties on forming a coalition.

    Party leader Rachid Ghannouchi said Friday that his party would work to form a new government in "friendliness" and "brotherhood."
    复兴党领袖人拉希德·加努希(Rached Ghannouchi)周五表示,复兴党将组建一个“友好”、“团结”的新政府。

    Mr. Ghannouchi called for calm. He said his party would respect women's rights and Tunisia's pro-Western values.

    The election was widely considered free and fair. Ennahda won three times as many seats as its nearest competitor. A liberal party, the Congress for the Republic, finished second with thirty of the two hundred seventeen seats.
    这次选举在自由和公正方面获得了广泛认可。复兴党赢得的席位是其最接近竞争对手的3倍。自由党派保卫共和大会党(the Congress for the Republic)获得了217个席位中的30个席位,排名第二。

    Another liberal party, the Democratic Forum for Labor and Liberties, was third, with twenty-one seats.
    另一个自由党派,争取工作与自由民主论坛(the Democratic Forum for Labor and Liberties)获得了21个席位,排名第三。

    Tunisia's former government banned Ennahda. The party says its positions are moderate and similar to those of Turkey.

    Tunisian women have many rights, including the right not to cover their head. Yusra Ghannouchi, a party spokeswoman and daughter of its leader, says Ennahda will defend and even increase women's rights.
    突尼斯妇女拥有多项权利,包括不遮掩面部。复兴党领袖加努希之女及该党发言人耶丝拉·加努希(Yusra Ghannouchi)表示,复兴党将捍卫甚至提升妇女权利。

    YUSRA GHANNOUCHI: "This is the not the state's business to impose any particular type of dress on women. This is absolutely a matter of personal choice."

    But some people are worried that the party will support the rise of political Islam. Eric Goldstein with Human Rights Watch says Ennahda offers mixed messages.
    但有人担心复兴党会支持政治化伊斯兰的崛起。“人权观察”组织的埃里克·戈尔茨坦(Eric Goldstein)表示复兴党释放出的信息非常复杂。

    ERIC GOLDSTEIN: "The leaders of the party have been reassuring to all Tunisians. No, we're not going to make women wear the veil. No we're not going to ban alcohol. We want to achieve our goals only through democracy. What's making some people anxious is the discourse of some of the mid-ranking members of the party, some of the preachers who preach in a really intolerant way."

    Still, twenty-nine-year-old blogger and journalist Haythem el Mekki says much of the worry over Islam is fueled by the West.
    尽管如此,29岁的博主和记者Haythem el Mekki表示,大部分对伊斯兰的担心是由西方推动的。

    HAYTHEM EL MEKKI: "The Islamists are political activists. Like any political activists we should criticize them when we think they are wrong, and we should say they did a good thing when we agree with them."
    HAYTHEM EL MEKKI:“这些伊斯兰教徒是政治活动家。和任何政治活动家一样,当我们认为他错了的时候应该批评他们;当我们与其意见一致时应该表扬他们。”

    Tunisia's revolution ousted President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali in January. Many Tunisians say they are hopeful for the future. Thirty-four-year-old Waesi Adili is an unemployed computer technician.
    今年一月,突尼斯革命推翻了突尼斯总统本·阿里。许多突尼斯人表示,他们对未来充满希望。34岁的Waesi Adili是一名失业的计算机技术人员。

    WAESI ADILI: "I think Tunisia has escaped from the old regime. Hopefully the political system will offer credibility, dignity, tolerance -- and work."
    WAESI ADILI:“我认为突尼斯已经逃离旧政权,希望政治制度能够提供信誉、尊严、宽容和工作。”

    The Arab world will be watching Tunisia's democratic experience. Steven Ekovich is a political scientist at the American University of Paris.
    阿拉伯世界将密切关注突尼斯的民主历程。Steven Ekovich是巴黎美国大学一名政治学家。

    STEVEN EKOVICH: "The problems are long-term, they're deep. It's going to take a long time for Tunisia to pull out of it. But if any country can do it, I think Tunisia can."
    STEVEN EKOVICH:“这些问题是长期和根深蒂固的,将突尼斯从这些问题中拯救出来需要很长时间。但如果有任何国家可以做到,我认为突尼斯就能。”
