
    A plane was evacuated Wednesday in Louisville, Kentucky, after a passenger reported smoke coming from a Samsung smartphone.

    All passengers were safe after getting off the Southwest Airlines plane. The plane was to travel to Baltimore, Maryland.

    The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration confirmed in a statement that a Samsung phone had caused the smoke. The agency did not say which Samsung model was involved and said it is continuing to investigate the incident.

    Samsung also did not say which smartphone model caused the emergency. The company said in a statement that it would examine the device.

    Samsung issued a recall of its new Galaxy Note 7 device last month after receiving several reports of overheating problems. The company said the overheating was linked to problems with batteries that caused some phones to catch fire. The recall reportedly covered at least 2.5 million phones worldwide.
    三星公司上个月在收到数份过热问题的报告后,对其新发布的 Galaxy Note 7 手机发布了召回通知。该公司表示,手机过热同导致一些手机着火的电池问题有关。据报道此次召回涉及全球至少250万台手机。

    Sarah Green is the wife of the airplane passenger whose phone overheated. Green told the media that the phone was a new Samsung Galaxy Note 7. She said her husband, Brian, recently got the phone as a replacement following the Samsung recall.
    莎拉·格林(Sarah Green)是手机过热的这名航班乘客的妻子。格林女士对媒体表示,这款手机是最新的三星 Galaxy Note 7。她说她丈夫布莱恩最近才拿到该手机,它是三星召回后的替换品。

    Green told Louisville's Courier-Journal newspaper that her husband called from someone else's phone to explain what happened.

    He told her the phone began making popping noises and started giving off smoke after he turned it off. "He took it out of his pocket and threw it on the ground," she told the newspaper. The plane had not yet taken off.

    An official with Louisville's Metro Fire Department confirmed the passenger threw the phone on the ground after it started smoking. The official said the phone caused minor damage to the floor where the device landed.

    The Federal Aviation Administration issued a warning to airplane passengers last month about the Samsung phones. It urged passengers not to use Galaxy Note 7 devices during flights. It also urged passengers not to put them in checked baggage.
    美国联邦航空管理局上个月就三星手机向航班乘客发出警告。该局督促乘客不得在飞行期间使用Galaxy Note 7手机,同时督促乘客们不要把它们放在托运行李中。

    Flight attendants on many airlines have also added a warning about the Samsung devices during pre-flight safety demonstrations.

    I'm Bryan Lynn.